By intentionally seeking to understand other perspectives that encourage empathy, compassion, and positive thinking for myself and others. —Megan W. I remember to stay in the moment and notice where I am and what I’m doing. I’m not in the past or future, I’m right where my feet are. —Kim W.

Who do you reach out to when you feel worried?

My partner. She is the calm in my life.—@zweicappuccini (Instagram) Family—@mayasquilla (Instagram) My cat (Instagram)—@aslicy

Do you worry about the past, present, or future?

What’s worrying you today?

Each day brings a different concern, doesn’t it? Today, perhaps my worry is about not being mindful as I usually am. So, I bring myself back to the present moment by allowing the worry, being kind and compassionate to it and myself. “Don’t worry, be happy.” —@mindfulinpractice (Instagram) Climate change, human rights, pandemic, gun control, racial injustice, war, famine, drought. But otherwise, life is pretty good.—@libbies.images (Instagram) Worry unchecked turns into anxiety for me. Today I’m not feeling well but I know that I’ve done what I need to do for my health at the moment. I just need to breathe and rest. If there is something really wrong it will make itself known.—@jeana_with_a_j (Instagram)

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Mindful Staff February 15, 2022

Mindful Staff June 14, 2022