Alone Together: Why We Expect More from Technology and Less from Each Other by Sherry Turkle Public Parts: How Sharing in the Digital Age Improves the Way We Work and Live by Jeff Jarvis Rework by Jason Fried and David Heinemeier Hansson You Are Not A Gadget: A Manifesto by Jaron Lanier Meditation for Multitaskers: Your Guide to Finding Peace Between the Pings by David Dillard-Wright The Power of Social Networking: Using the Whuffie Factor to Build Your Business by Tara Hunt Unplug: For an Hour a Day, or a Weekend [with audio, workbook and cards] by Sharon Salzberg


Social Media for Nonprofits This conference series focuses on social media for social good. Coproduced by Ritu Sharma and Darian Rodriguez Heyman, the series shares practical tips and tools for fundraising, marketing, and advocacy with nonprofit decision-makers. Includes a blog with helpful tips. Technorati Media This online media company produces an annual Digital Influence Report, culled from surveys it distributes to its network of consumers and brands. PEW Research Center The center publishes two annual reports covering digital trends. The PEW Internet & American Life project covers current statistics on issues, attitudes, and trends online, in America and the world. The PEW State of the News Media report contains a Digital Developments section, reporting on how U.S. news outlets are using the web and how it affects the stories they tell. Lifehacker:Technology Lifehacker curates tips and tricks for living better in the digital age—everything from troubleshooting products to conversations around technology and happiness. ReadWrite Founded by Richard MacManus, the weblog covers web technology news, including web apps, web technology trends, industry news, reviews, and analysis.

On-line Audio and Video

CBC’s Spark This radio show from Canada’s public broadcaster plays off the theme of our relationship to technology, from the endless cycle of upgrading software to crowdsourcing and online etiquette. How Cognitive Surplus Will Change the World  Author Clay Shirky’s Ted Talk on the shared work we do online; while we’re editing a Wikipedia page or enjoying some LOLcats, we’re actually building a better world. This web extra provides additional information related to an article titled, “A User’s Guide to Living Well in Screenworld,” which appeared in the August 2013 issue of Mindful magazine.