Holstee has devoted its Potluck Series to encouraging members of the Holstee community and beyond to talk about what happened in Ferguson, MO, over the past few months. Holstee cofounders Dave and Mike Radparvar and Fabian Pfortmüller asked that community members devote their next potluck to engaging in “an honest conversation about race and violence in this country.” From the letter: Today, our thoughts are with Mike Brown’s family, friends and loved ones. Along with the many others whose lives have been taken too soon. We are saddened by the tragic reality of racial inequality, police brutality and social injustice in our world. You can sign up to host a potluck with Holstee. For every dinner held, they’ll donate $25 to non-profit organization FoodCorps. This donation will set up one child with nutrition, gardening, and cooking lessons. They’ll also get healther food options in their school cafeteria. If you’re in Brooklyn, New York, you can attend Holstee’s monthly potluck, open to all.