What is a Death Doula?

A death doula is a non-medical support person who serves a dying individual, their loved ones, and/or their caregivers. Prior to medicalization and the emergence of professionalized death care, most people died at home where members of their community or family would tend to them and serve as a peaceful presence. Many people today state they want to be at home, but instead die in hospital beds, their caregivers unequipped to meet their needs or feeling incapable, intimidated, or overwhelmed. Death doulas can be part of the team that makes dignified home deaths possible. (Though we work anywhere we are welcome!)  We answer questions, ease anxieties, serve as guides, and advocate for autonomy and dignity.  And death doulas aren’t only for the imminently dying. We assist people in all stages of life with advance care planning, resolving death anxiety, supporting grief, education and social justice activism, and other related issues. Death doulas tend to be a flexible, curious, and present bunch—if there’s a need, we’re going to try to anticipate it, and if we’re not the ones to fill it, we’ll find the right person for the job. Whether you’re caring for sick elders, wrapping your head around your own end, or grappling with a chronic or life-limiting illness and its ramifications, there’s a good chance that a death doula’s services could be of use to you. 

6 Questions a Death Doula May Ask

In a society where we often struggle with facing end of life issues head on, death doulas ask questions that others might not think or know to ask… Engage with these questions as you feel comfortable. You can journal, simply sit in contemplation, or perhaps use these questions to spark conversations with friends and family. Just be sure to check-in along the way and show yourself kindness as you reflect.

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Elaine Smookler January 16, 2023

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Shelly Tygielski January 3, 2023